Friday, October 3, 2008


Today, I feel like a big poser. I'm writing in my blog at a coffee shop. But isn't that what all the cool kids in New York do?

Stray NYC Observations:
- Everyone is really skinny.
- The "cool kids" don't smile on the subway... I smile a lot.
- People here aren't amazed by where they live. You can find anything and I'm continually astounded by this. For instance, I was walking to the movies the other night and I saw a blow-dry bar. A place designed specifically for having your hair blown dry.
- Too many people smoke here.
- The Brooklyn Museum looks like it has a spaceship coming out of it's center. But when you walk down the spaceship stairs it feels like you're at the beach.
- I like the option of walking everywhere.
- On a typical day in Baton Rouge/Mobile/most cities the streets are a little emptier during business hours. Not true here. There are people everywhere. Where do they work? How do they survive? How can I get a job like that?

I'm actually excited about this weekend. It looks as though I'll be going to the park to friz around (I still feel like a loser using that phrase, Melanie) and walking the Brooklyn Bridge at some point. I still feel like a tourist.

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