Friday, January 23, 2009


The 81st Academy Award nominations have come out. And this year is probably my most pitiful viewing year in terms of Oscar nominations. I'd like to chalk it up to my move to NY and now being ridiculously broke. But a lot of the Oscar fair this year didn't interest me like last year's did. Besides Rachel Getting Married, Wall-E, Vicky Christina Barcelona, and The Dark Knight (along with a few one nomination films) I didn't see very much, nor have I really been that interested. I don't know if last year was a dry year for great movies, but I don't feel any excitement over The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The art direction looks incredible, and Cate Blanchett can usually get $8 - 10 out of me, but I just can't bring myself to care this time. Oh well. I'll be hoping this year will bring more movies like Wendy & Lucy and more actresses like Rosemarie DeWitt.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


After an uneventful night of babysitting in the East Village, I trekked back to Brooklyn through what felt like the arctic tundra. Even waiting on the train out of the frigid night air it was still obnoxiously cold. I have never inhabited a place where having any skin exposed hurts upon immediately exiting whatever building I am in. I suppose the temperatures, although not as cold as some parts of the country, feel much worse here due to the amount of time we spend outside walking to and from the subway and waiting on the bus. Or it could be the tall buildings acting as wind tunnels. Or, it might be that this is my first real winter. Whatever the reason, it is cold. And I don't think I'm a fan.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Last night I launched my etsy site. I made my first sale today to Lauren (THANKS!!!) who bought a journal I made from an old VHS tape of The Princess Bride. If you, or anyone, you know would like to buy something I would greatly appreciate any sales/word of mouth.

Now that I have finished hawking my wares to my friends and family (sorry), it is so frakkin' cold here. Seriously. Freezing. Friday the high is supposed to be 13. I have never inhabited a region where the high on a given day was 13. I'm used to complaining about humidity, not below freezing temperatures. And I would say that the cold is fantastic for my hair, but that is only true when it isn't snowing. Brrr...

Other than the cold, I'm pretty excited about Battlestar Galactica starting back on Friday. I've been having debates with friends and with myself as to who the last cylon could be. And if you aren't a Battlestar Galactica fan, first, don't judge me, I probably know the dorky things you love and will not turn the other cheek, but judge you Old Testament style. Secondly, this is my favorite show. I like it better than LOST, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, Arrested Development, Flight of the Conchords, or whatever show I have ever professed love for. Which, in my very humble opinion, speaks highly of it. Third, give it a shot, but start from the beginning. Don't be like Josh Carroll and come over one night and watch it in the middle of season 4. That will do you no good. And fourth, since I've come back to promoting unnecessary things, check out my etsy shop and possibly buy something or get someone to buy something for you.

Friday, January 2, 2009


New Year's Resolution:

Get a job.