Thursday, October 2, 2008


I moved to New York City a month ago. Since I have no job, I do a lot things for free... like walking to the park, the library, the coffee shop with free wi-fi and baristas that tell me my headbands are cute. Other than that I hang out with my roommates and keep making plans with my friend Jesse to go throw the frisbee around (or as Melanie calls it, friz around), but we keep having weather delays. I miss my friends and family a lot, but to keep from focusing on that, I've started a couple of new projects.

Project 1 Get A Job
This is self-explanatory.

Project 2 Get Into School
Since I want to go back to school I'm working on my various applications and creative submissions. Here are the schools I'm currently considering, but am open to suggestions:
UT Austin

Project 3 Get Educated... sorta
This project consists mainly of me furthering my film literacy. I feel like I am lacking quite tremendously when it comes to the breadth of my film knowledge. There are some gaping holes that need to be filled in and that is where the public library comes in handy. My goal is to watch a movie a day until I get a job. If you are at all interested you can keep up with my progress here.

Project 4 Get Entertained
That would be this blog. It will give me something to occupy my time when I am feeling particularly lonely and sad. And a place where I can tell everyone back home how cold it is here. Expect to hear a lot about that.


kaybear said...

I love this blog! I read it all the time. It's the best. Really. Like, I had no idea about how cold it is in New York, but here on this blog, I'll get to find out. Plus, I love being the first to know about all of Amanda's academic and self-educational plans! I totally support her cinematic education. Vive Amanda!

Amanda said...

I would say that I don't appreciate your sarcasm, but I don't really care. I'm just glad you care enough to comment. And weather updates are vital to everyone...

Anonymous said...

epic. I cried a little

Anonymous said...

Nice blog.
-Shadow`s pen-

Anonymous said...

i would just like to say i'm pushing for a west coast school =)
pros for going to school in los angeles:

it doesn't get cold
it doesn't get so humid you want to die
the pacific ocean
and in a few short months, me!

that's it.

Cheryl said...

Hmmm, I have to vote for UT Austin. Cool city, plus you'd be closer to the Mobile chapter of your fan club.

Amanda said...

I like that, the Mobile chapter of my fan club... Really, you shouldn't stroke my ego like that.

How's the new digs? I haven't received a straight answer as to how close you are to the beach.

Melanie, you most definitely are a reason to go to Cali. Although the weather might have me doing exactly what you did during your time at UCSB.

PS - I wore a scarf and a hat today. No jacket, though.

Cheryl said...

Ah, the beach! The main reason for living in Baldwin County. We're less than 10 miles from Gulf Shores, about a 15-minute drive. Next weekend -- Shrimp Festival! I'm sure Little Rock is a very nice place to live, but it just wasn't doing it for us.

By the way, it will be a long time before I need to wear a scarf and a hat, if ever.