Friday, December 19, 2008


This time tomorrow I will be getting off a plane in Gulfport, Mississippi, a 45 minute drive from my house, and beginning the 9 days of loving harassment I will experience at the hands of my family. I'm pretty excited.

Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Good food. I guess 24 years of living in the South, more explicitly 18 years on the seafood laden coast of Alabama and 6 years immersed in Cajun cuisine, has made me a little partial to the food I abandoned over 4 months ago.
2. Playing games. I finally corrupted my youngest sister about 2 years ago with the joy of board games. She became a zealous convert. Now, she requests that we play games all the time. I couldn't be prouder.
3. Making coconut balls. I miss my grandma. She is so cute and sweet. And the best grandma ever. She sends me cards just to tell me she is thinking about me. Also, she makes the best breakfast in the world.
4. Walking outside without a coat. And scarf. And gloves. And hat.
5. A fire in the fireplace. And maybe convincing my parents that making smores is a great idea.
6. My bed. I miss it.
7. Keeping my gifts a secret this year from my step-mom. She always manages to find out what everyone is giving everyone else. But not this year. Yeah, you read that right, woman. I'm not telling.
8. Listening to Christmas music in the car. I'm so excited to be riding in a car for 9 days and not sitting next to two people making out and taking up so much room you are crammed against the bar in the middle of the bench. That happened last night.

I know I'm going to miss NY. I'm beginning to fall in love with the city. But I also miss my family. I miss how slow things are in Mobile. And I think 9 days is a welcome respite from the craziness of the last month.


Lauren said...

Thought of you today when I read my coffee cup. It's a quote by Augusten Burroughs, and author I really like (wrote Running with Scissors, among other things):

"I used to feel so alone in the city. All those gazillions of people and then me, on the outside. Because how do you meet a new person? I was very stumped by this for many years. And then I realized, you just say, 'Hi.' They may ignore you. Or you may marry them. And that possibility is worth that one word."

Amanda said...

Yeah, it has been really hard trying to make friends. People are nice, it just seems like they don't need/want any new friends. And I have to remember that there must be other people in the city who want friends and would like to be my friend. It's really funny that you sent me that quote because Anne read that quote to me one day on the phone. I thought it was great and asked her to send it to me and she never did. I think she found it the same way, on her coffee cup.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're getting to spend some time back at home, but you'll be missed in New York. :)