Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've been terrible about updating my blog. For being unemployed and lacking a sustainable social life I have been quite the busy beaver these days. Fortunately my unemployment will end quite soon. And while my new job is nothing glamorous, I'm probably looking forward to it more than I have any other job I've ever had. Partly because a purposeful day and a sustainable income are appealing, but also because I would rather work in an environment where my contribution of being a pleasant employee, keeping shelves organized, and treating people kindly is immensely more worthwhile than designing for giant corporations with the sole purpose of enticing people to spend more money on absolutely worthless products.

Per my last post, I really feel that I am being challenged more now to grow in my faith than I ever have before. My journey with God has been very dry for the past three years. I would say that during this time I never felt my belief in God wavering, but I can not say that I was in any way challenged. My beliefs were intellectually challenged, but never was I exercising the amount of dependence that I have in the past 6 months. In the past three years I lost that feeling of immediacy in my relationship with God and with seeing His kingdom made known here on earth. Moving to NY has brought a lot necessary things back into focus. I have been exercising faith in a way I never have before. I have always been in control. No matter what I was able to figure a way out to pay for things. It hasn't always been that way here. But each time I step out in faith, no matter how small the matter, God has taken care of it. By no means do I have the faith of a mustard seed, but I am growing and learning that the only thing limiting God is me.

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